Monday, February 23, 2009

Part B- A distinction between nuclear reactions and chemical reactions citing specific examples.

Differences between Nuclear and Chemical Reactions

When compounds or elements convert to another form is a reaction. Common reactions that encounter often are chemical reactions. when chemical reactions take place between compounds or elements only the outermost eletrons rearrange. there are two different types of nuclear reactions 1. nuclear fusion reactions and 2. nuclear fission reactions. There is many differences between nuclear and chemical reactions.

Chemical reaction differences
  • atoms undergo change and the products become new chemicals
  • The nuclei is not affected when the electrons participate in the reaction
  • When the amount of elements in the reaction and the products are conserved the elements do not change.
  • usually a very small amount of energy is liberated or absorbed
  • no radioactivity given off
  • all isotopes give the same chemical radioactivity
  • temperature and pressure of reacting compounds do affect the change of chemical reactions
  • can be reserved

Nuclear reaction differences
  • nucleus of the atom undergoes changes and the products are new nuclei
  • A nuclear reaction alters the composition of the parent nuclei and the nucli undergo changes
  • Whe nuclei undergoes changes the indentity of the element changes. The number of total nucleons is conserved in nuclear reactions
  • Endothermic reactions are not seen but during these reactions very large amounts of energy is liberated.
  • escorted by strong radioactive emissions.
  • each and every different isotope can have its own reactions
  • While pressure is applied on reacting nuclei it is not affected by temperature
  • Cannot be reversed.
  • In some rare reactions the reactions can be reversed but only under very hard experimental conditions.

(2009, Nuclear Fission and Fusion)

(2009, Energysrc)