Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Part A- An explanation of the process of nuclear fusion and fission citing specific examples.

Nuclear Fission

Definition of Nuclear Fission:a nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy. (2009,Dictionary.com)

The process of splitting atom is first, you must make the nucleus absorb a neutron then it becomes unstable and splits. Last the neutrons are released causing a chain reaction.
How the energy that is released from the neutron is kinetic energy that comes from the fissions products and its neutrons. In the future the decay that comes from the fission products releases energy. This energy is produced from the neutrinos and the energy is lost. At the same time when fission is produced so is y-rays.(2009,Fintan Darragh)

Fission Reactor
(2009,Energy Research)

Parts of a Fission Reactor
Fuel Rods get hot which enriches the uranium.
The energy is passed on my carbon dioxide gas trough the coolant. When being pumped around the circulators the carbon dioxide heat the fuel rods. This reaction super-heats the water that is passing through the pipes next to the reactor and turns the passing water into steam. The steam then drives the turbines. Control Rods keeps the chian reaction critical. You want a good reactor, which means you want it to decay after decay. But only a small amount of decay not a big amount, each time only 1.4 neutrons each day. The control rods are made of boron which is a neutron-absorbing material. These are used in the lower region of the chamber to absorb neutrons and slow reactions. To slow down the how fast a neutron is you must increase the chance of a reaction. What you are doing when slowing neutrons down is a moderator. This is done by letting the smaller-sized atoms collide with the neutrons. Hydrogen gas is no use for this. the head-on collision would steal the neutron of all KE. This is hydrogen in heavy water of graphite.(2009,Buster Answers)

Nuclear Fusion

  • Heat the gas to about 108 K.
  • Electrons break away from their atoms, forming a plasma and ionising the atoms.
  • A neutron will collide with the atom in the plasma. It must be going fast as it has to overcome the repulsive ion and get within 1 fm of the nucleus, ∴ initial KE ≥ PE at 1 fm from the atom. (2009,Buster Answers)

Differences between Fusion and fission:
  • Both different types of Nuclear reactions
  • An threshold that is extremely high must be reached to combine nuclei.
  • The natural way of fusion occuring is in the core of a star
  • Requires alot of energy that no body has yet built a reactor that produces more than it consumes.
  • involves lightweight elements coming together to make larger atoms, generally hydrogen turning into helium
  • Both different types of Nuclear reactions
  • Has to do with radioactive byproducts
  • Associated with nuclear weapons and meltdowns
  • involves heavy atoms, generally uranium and plutonium being split into smaller atomic fragments

(2003-2009 Anissimov , Michael)

Similariteis between Fusion and Fission:

  • each process gives off massive radioactivity and heat.
  • release the potential energy of nuclear bonds by converting elements to other elements.
  • generate light, heat and radioactive emissions.
  • exothermis reactions: both cases mass is converted to energy.
  • Endothermic reactions: energy is converted into mass.
  • involve atoms and give off tremendous amounts of energy.
  • the sum of the masses of the products is less than the sum of the masses of the parent atoms and isotopes.

(2009, yahoo)